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Kindergarten~ fairytales and nursery rhymes

Kindergarten’s monthly theme was Fairytales and Nursery Rhymes last month.  We had so much fun learning about wizards, dragons, mermaids and more!  One of the kids’ favorite things is unicorns!   We made unicorn masks.

Great job, everyone!



Tanabata~ kindergarten

In kindergarten, we celebrated Tanabata, The Star Festival, and we all made our wishes.   We had a lot of fun making the traditional paper chains and hung all of our wishes on the branches.

I hope everyone’s wishes come true!

Park Day!





We had a great time〜❤︎❤︎

Happy 4th of July~ kindergarten

July the 4th is an American holiday where we became an independent nation in 1776.  In America on this day,  we all celebrate with our friends and family with food, fireworks and a lot of fun!

We share this cultural even in our kindergarten with our annual bbq party lunch.  The students cook several traditional dishes such as:  potato salad, coleslaw, bbq chicken, hotdogs and cupcakes with buttercream frosting!

This year the kids did an amazing job and the food was all delicious!

Happy 4th of July!

