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Annual Thanksgiving Lunch – Kindergarten

Every year the kindergarten class has a Thanksgiving lunch.  We cook all of the food and then we eat it for our lunch.  We make traditional American Thanksgiving dishes such as turkey, cornbread, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and of course pumpkin pie!

Each year the kids look forward to this and surprisingly most kids like all of the food!  We can’t wait until next year to make it again.  Happy Thanksgiving!  - Starr ♡

Park day

合同Park dayの様子🍂




We had so much fun at the park!



Preschool Lesson

Hand Printを楽しんだPreschool Kids✨

”Which hand do you want to use?🤲🏻”

”Right hand!” ”Left hand!”と


Hand paintingする時には少し緊張している姿も。


Well done Preschool Kids✨

Pre-Preschool Lessons

Paper CraftのLessonでは

Jellyfishの制作をしたPre-Preschool Kids

少し色が塗り難いPaper cup coloringに





Well done pre-pre school kids!

Kindergarten – Thanksgiving Craft

We celebrated Thanksgiving last month with our thanksgiving dinner and by learning about the first thanksgiving with the pilgrims and Native Americans.   We also made several crafts related to this holiday.

We made some handprint turkeys because everyone loves painting, even better if it’s messy! 😉  After the handprints were dry, we glued feathers on.  This part was a lot of fun for the children. Well done everyone! - Starr♡

Kindergarten – K2 word families

The K2 class is really working hard getting ready for k3!  Our k2 class is 4-5 year olds but already they are able to read a lot! Along with sight words, we also learn rhyming word families to help with reading.  This day the students were practicing different word families and they were reading them so well I wanted to share it with you all.  Amazing K2!!  Keep up the good work!  - Starr♡