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Kindergarten – Park time

It’s almost rainy season in Japan so we are really enjoying park days while we can.  Hopefully this year we will have a short season and be able to play outside some more! -Starr♡



Kindergarten- art activity

This month in kindergarten we are learning about nursery rhymes and fairytales!  This is always such a fun monthly theme.  Last week we did Humpty Dumpty.  The kids memorized the nursery rhyme with a fun little song.  We made a Humpty Dumpty craft that told the story.  It was a lot of fun.  What nursery rhyme will we learn about next?  - Starr ♡


Kindergarten- Science Activity

In April, we learned about plants and insects.  For one of our weekly science activities, we did an activity called “Beans in a Bag”.   This year we decided to try and grow Azuki beans.  We put a moist paper towel in a ziplock bag and each student put 5 beans in their bags.  After that we taped the bags to the windows to watch them grow.  When we came back from Golden week, we were so excited to see that the beans had sprouted!  We took our bean bags home to hopefully watch them continue to grow.  -Starr♡

Kindergarten – At the Park

We had a great time at the park yesterday!  We ran and slid on the slide until we were exhausted from fun.  The weather was perfect.  What a great park day!  - Starr ♡


Kindergarten – Science Activity

One of our weekly activities is science.  We usually do some kind of experiment around a monthly theme or season.  Since it was Easter,  we thought we would do one involving this holiday.  In America we have a famous Easter candy called Peeps.   They are marshmallows covered in vibrant colored sugar.

Our experiment was to see what would happen when we put the Peeps in different types of liquid.  We used water, vinegar and soda.  Then each student and teacher predicted which liquid they thought would melt the Peeps the fastest.  This is how it went... Enjoy!   - Starr♡

Kindergarten – Easter Egg Hunt

Another fun activity on Easter is the Easter egg hunt!  We hid plastic eggs filled with jellybeans all around the park.  Then our students went around with Easter baskets that they made looking for the eggs.  Everyone was so excited and it was so much fun!  We can’t wait to do it again next year! - Starr ♡