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Practice makes perfect!

Sports day is just around the corner and we`re getting our dance ready! The kids are getting excited and so are the teachers.

Tots/Pre – Toshima Kids Park

We paid a very visit to the Toshima Kids Park today with just the babies and they played so much they all came back asleep!

Tots/Pre – Monsters at our School

Monsters have invaded us in Victoria and they were made by the children!
Lots of eyes and mouths everywhere!

Fun At the Park!

The weather`s finally gotten more comfortable and we were able to go to the park. We had such a great time playing with all of our friends!

Tots/Pre It’s that time of the year again

Boo! It’s that time of the year again! Yes it’s Halloween and the children have already been chanting it since last month.

We’ve said goodbye to some friends yet we will meet some more this month too. A fun time to join really.

Harvest Moon Festival

Today is the Harvest Moon Festival and we made some moon decorations and they were super cute! Can you see the rabbit in the moon tonight?