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Kindergarten – Summers school 8/7

Hello from Kindergarten!   Everyone is settling back into our regular routine after a week long holiday.  How was your vacation?  I hope you had a great time.

We had another great day in summer school!  The themes for today were splish splash and jungle safari!

For jungle safari we learned all about the jungle and what kind of animals live there.  We also made our own snake!  The students colored then cut it out and it made a spiraling python.  The students were so creative in the designs they came up with.  We had a lot of fun swirling them around. 😂


After that we cooled off in the pool and splashed around.  Splish splash is always a favorite day! 🌞


Have a great day! 🌟 - Starr ♡

Kindergarten – Summer school 8/6

Hello everyone!  It’s been really hot recently.   I hope you all are taking care and staying out of the heat.

In kindergarten we are continuing on with summer school.  Our two themes were Ocean: sharks and music!
Our kindergarten students really love sharks!  This was a theme they really got into.  We also enjoyed the music theme as well.

For music we made our own shakers out of plastic eggs.  Each kid filled them with rice and then we taped the sides.
We then made our own musical parade and shook our shakers!  It was so much fun! - Starr♡


Pre-Preschool Leason

Summer Vacationが明け、



I went to grandmother's house!と夏休みの


久しぶりのColoring Timeでは



”Surprised”   ”Angry”   ”Scared”  ”Sleepy”



I am happy!と笑顔を作ったり、

I am sadと言いながら泣き真似をしたり、




Kindergarten -Summer school 8/4

Today was a fun day!   Our themes were cooking and camping.  We decided to incorporate the two themes together.  We painted a campfire using crumpled up foil.  It was unique to paint this way and everyone enjoyed it!


Continuing on with the camping theme,  we made some hot cocoa.   We made our hot cocoa from scratch.  We had a virtual campfire on a screen and we all thought it was a great time.

See you next time!  -Starr ♡


Kindergarten – Summer school 8/5

We had another great day at summer school here at kindergarten.  The themes for today were Relay and Craft!


For Craft we did a fun type of painting called “Squished Painting.”  To do this craft, each student put dabs of different colored paint on a piece of white paper.  We then put plastic wrap on top and the kids were able to squish around the paint without any mess!   It was super cool to see how they turned out.  Some kids even said it was magic. 😁


For Relay time we participated in several races.  One of our games was the Spoon Relay!  We divided the class into 2 teams and we raced around the cones balancing an egg on a spoon.  It was such a lot of fun!    -Starr ♡


Preschool Lesson

Colors & Shapesのレッスンでは、



What do you have?と先生に聞かれ、

”Pink triangle!”  “Yellow circle!”

”Red star!” “Black square!” と答える子供達☺

お友達同士で”I want blue”  “I want star”と




Great job, everyone!